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JENNINGS: Well, I mean, I mean normally that's the case. She's had a very consequential vice presidency. She's cast, I think the most ever tie-breaking votes in the Senate of any vice president including on Joe Biden's specific economic program which drove the country into a massive inflation, inflationary spiral, which everyone is mad about.
And on top of that, she, in her own words, last person in the room with Joe Biden when they made the disastrous decision on Afghanistan. So I think in some cases you're right Van, the vice president is relatively inconsequential. She has been a consequential vice president, and I think the consequences have been bad. //
Harris defenders want to have it both ways. On the one hand, they want to tout her vice presidential experience as evidence of her qualifications to be president. On the other hand, they want to claim she did nothing and is responsible for nothing. Wouldn't that logically mean her "experience" is null and void then? //
Orwell was right
3 hours ago edited
Harris touting her VP experience is like the 1st mate on the Titanic bragging about his successful seamanship.