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cupera1 Mike P. 2 days ago edited
About 40 years ago an ASU professor conducted an experiment in Tempe Arizona with orange trees in two greenhouses one was a control and the other he had increased the CO2 level to 3X of what he had in the control, ~1000 ppm of CO2. All other conditions: water, fertilizer and temperature were left the same. The results of that study were astounding. The growth rate and fruit production that the trees in the greenhouse with the higher CO2 was incredible, it was almost double what the control was able to produce. If you look at the production per acre that farmers have experience with the higher CO2 levels is close to matching those results. With the higher CO2 crops are producing more and have a higher tolerance to drought.
anon-f9f0 mopani 2 days ago
Dr. Sherwood Idso wrote many, many articles on this experiment. You might be interested in:
CO2 enrichment of sour orange trees: 2.5 years into a long-term experiment
S. B. IDSO, B. A. KIMBALL, S. G. ALLEN. Plant, Cell, & Environment
Volume14, Issue 3. Pages 351-353
First published: April 1991 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3040.1991.tb01512.x