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Biden claims that he hasn't believed the border was secure for the last ten years and that he's been saying that for the last decade. Of course, that's completely untrue. He and his people have insisted that the border was secure right up until this comment that he just made this week. So this is a huge falsehood he's attempting here. How can you trust anyone who is this delusional and dishonest? //
He seems to want to blame Republicans here for not giving him money. It isn't about money, it's about enforcing the law. It's because Biden undid everything former President Donald Trump had in place that was working and then things exploded. Plus, he had a Democratic Congress for the first two years. //
Laocoön of Troy Mildred's Oldest Son
6 hours ago
None of the explanations have been particularly satisfying. Last week I heard one that made more sense. Alot of hard-blue states are exporting population as quick as U-Haul can get the trucks. Those voters and the nums that they generate go into the census. The Congressional Districts where the U-Hauls are going are in red states. Blue states down and red ststes up. It's a freakin' lightmare for the left.
Unless more warm bodies can be shoehorned into Chicago, NYC, LA, San Francisco, Boston, and other crazy urban areas...those states are gonna lose ALOT of House seats and electoral votes after the next census. It's not about generating fake votes...which would be a bonus for the lefties...it's about pumping up their nums to slow the bleeding in terms of House seats.
Don't know if that's supported by data...but it makes sense to me.