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It wasn't until midway through that context was given - which undercut what she was suggesting (that Robinson would prefer women couldn't vote):
During this event, Robinson, who was running for lieutenant governor at the time, recalled someone recently asking conservative activist Candace Owens to pick which version of America would make America “great again,” one where “Black people were swinging from cheap trees” or one where women weren’t allowed to vote.
Robinson said he would definitely return to the days in America when women were denied the right to vote “because in those days we had people who fought for real social change, and they were called Republicans.”
While that last quote contains part of the story, it doesn't give all of it. In the sentence immediately after he said "and they were called Republicans," Robinson said "And they are the reason why women can vote today." //
Andrew Egger @EggerDC
Okay, look, Robinson did in fact say all these words in this order, but if you watch the clip it's plain he wasn't saying he thinks women should lose the vote. He was making a way too cute point about how he wants Republicans to see themselves as fighters for social change.
Jennifer Bendery @jbendery
Newly unearthed video of N.C. GOP gubernatorial nominee Mark Robinson in 2020: "I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote." https://huffpost.com/entry/north-carolina-gop-mark-robinson-women-vote_n_65e7d899e4b0f9d26cacc002?hlo
5:13 PM · Mar 6, 2024 //
4 hours ago
Dan Bongino responded to this several times on X today, asking liberals why they are so racist, and why they have such vitriol for black people, and especially those who are Republicans.
The answer is, they can't help it. The Democrats have a long history of racism, and it's never gone away. And it's just as pronounced today as it was pre- and post-Civil War, during the Jim Crow and lynching eras, and as well as during their fights to keep integration from happening and destroying the black society with the "Great" Society.
We should never, EVER let them forget that, and we should always remind black Americans that Democrats are still the slave-master party. The party leaders will do nothing to help them out of poverty, but just "promise" to help them while simultaneously keep black Americans from ever prospering. //
Dogcatcher-Elect JALJAL
4 hours ago edited
This is worth a read. Expect alot of Charlottesville "very fine people" misrepresentations/lies.
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Robinson accused of antisemitism
As for the misrepresented "Nazi" comments, it seems to me he is addressing the insane Nazi attributions the left flings at the conservatives /"right wing." Enough!