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At first, I was going to just respond in the comments, but after a few attempts, I decided it would best be an article of its own.
He said:
I've always been somewhat bemused by the notion that God lost in the Garden of Eden, that Satan won, and that there was this mad scramble in Heaven to come up with a "Plan B".
Ask yourself this, "If Adam and Eve weren't supposed to fall, why didn't God just start over again with a new couple in the Garden of Eden? Had he lost the power to create such a couple?"
When you realize that the Fall was planned from the beginning, it all makes sense. //
This presents the idea that God had written this drama from the beginning, which would logically lead to the idea that our fates were already decided beforehand. This is a topic that inevitably gets brought up when discussing God at length, which usually triggers a debate between free will and determinism. I can assume the commenter takes the side of determinism, at least in some capacity.
Personally, I take the side of free will. //
To get back to my commenter, the reason God let us fall even though He knew we were going to is because he is a God who knows that love and free will are intermingled, and you cannot have one without the other. //
In Deuteronomy 30:19 God is directing Israel to make a choice with Moses as his spokesman saying, “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." Here is God offering the choice to do as one pleases, but points out which way is the right way, which is a habit of God's throughout humanity's existence. //