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Yesterday was Columbus Day, a holiday in honor of an important man who did something important. However, under Joe Biden's misrule, it has been rebranded into a travesty called "Indigenous People's Day." No one is sure what the day is about. Most Americans ignore it while the left enters into a bacchanalia of America-bashing and virtue signaling.
I have a great deal of problems with this new commemorative day because I can't really figure out what we are honoring with that celebration. The contributions made by the aboriginal peoples of North America to American or world culture are exceedingly small. A handful of words — canoe, moccasin, squaw, etc. — have passed into common usage. There are a modest number of burial mounds and some rock glyphs to record their passing. None of the American Indian tribes had developed metallurgy or the wheel. Mathematics and even a rudimentary means of writing were unknown for the most part. Warfare was endemic and brutal, and frequently had the objective of genocide. Slavery was part of the culture of most Indian tribes, as was ritualized torture, human sacrifice, and cannibalism. In short, I find very little admirable about American Indian culture — the documented variety, not the maudlin, Dances With Wolves fake culture the left imagines existed — and can't think of any reason Americans, of all ancestries, have to be sorry that it is a thing of the past. //
Indigenous People's Day is just another assault on America by people who hate the country. Yesterday's statement by Kamala Harris is a prime example of the left and a large number of the America First crowd fetishizing anyone the US has bested economically or militarily.
Yep, Europeans destroyed Stone Age tribal societies mired in superstition and bloodletting and built the greatest nation on Earth. We won, you lost, deal with it.
Historically, and especially from the national identity and unity perspective, Indigenous People's Day makes much less sense than Antebellum South Day. //
The American flag is dipped in submission. This is not done.
The flag that remains upright is that of the Northern Cheyenne Nation. This is another one of those anomalies that demonstrate just how fake this stuff is. American Indians never had the industry to make flags, and they didn't use flags, so this is just cultural appropriation. The irony of the victory ceremony being conducted in American English, Custer's native tongue, can't be overlooked. //
Ethnic pride is great, but it can't be at the sake of an American identity. If that is where you are headed, trust me when I tell you that you aren't going to like where the path you are following is going to take you. //
Laocoön of Troy idalily
3 hours ago
Winston Churchill: Nations...which go down fighting rise again, and those...that surrender tamely are finished.
Darkest Hour (2017)