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Chauncey Gardner
5 hours ago
Ward, they didn't just ignore the law. Remember that all employers in the US are required to fill out an I-9 for every employee. Both the employer and employee are required to attest (under penalty of perjury) that the employee is in the country legally. That is an additional overt, illegal act. If you don't like the law, get it changed but you can be assured that if the media found out Trump was hiring illegals and lying about it on the I-9, they would be screaming for him to be charged. //
4 hours ago edited
HSI says the owners, who are both lawful permanent residents in the US,
So they weren't Americans? If so, let's make that clear; These were foreigners hiding foreign invaders. It appears that these somebodies were lawful, but not law abiding, residents; they should no longer be "lawful residents". All their property should be seized and they should be deported immediately after they serve their jail sentences. That's called deterrence.