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Concrete data shows that the ways to mitigate health care costs are greater competition among health care providers, price reform and transparency, and incorporation of more holistic health approaches to treating a person as a whole human and not as unrelated parts (heart, lungs, kidneys, feet, etc.). Instead of playing a financial and quantitative numbers game of farming through patients like cattle, health care providers should focus on reducing the incidences of chronic metabolic illness, along with mitigating urgent and catastrophic care.
Secretary of Health and Human Services nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr. often points to our poor American diets and our over dependence on pharmacology as key reasons why we are metabolically unwell, but it is also our inability to build consistent health habits and do routine screenings which factor into this equation. All of these aspects are where the majority of corporate health care continues to fail, particularly to the degree it continues to align with intrusive government. //
Novant Health appears to be trying a new model of actual people and patient care minus the corporate bureaucracy and government overreach. They're partnership with Jordan is helping to make this happen. //
8 hours ago
Rip out the bureaucracy and administrative nightmare in the healthcare industry and costs would be reduced by double digit percentages. For example, there are 0ver 70,000 different diagnostic and treatment codes providers must submit in order to get paid by Medicare and other insurers. Reduce the number to 5,000 and thousands of billing specialists are no longer needed, payments are processed faster, fewer errors are recorded and require re-filing. That's just one piece of the puzzle.
There are dozens of other stupid, time wasting, expensive requirements that add to the cost of healthcare and take doctors away from patients. And much of it can be laid at the feet of Obamacare, which purposely created the monster we have today as a means to end private healthcare altogether and move to the single payer, govt-run model the Dems dream of.
Probable Cause CaptainCall
7 hours ago
Adding on... I like to point to all the people involved in health care, who don't actually provide health care. All the employees of the insurance companies. All the billing people on the provider side who submit the claims to the insurers. All the HR people everywhere who deal with health care benefits.
They're not bad people -- the system created their jobs, and someone has to do them. But they don't administer strep tests or reset broken bones. And they have to be paid. //
5 hours ago
Concierge office care is one option, where people pay a fixed fee to the doctor to get office visits covered, with no insurance participation. Also allowing more cash-for-doctor's visits. I believe a doctor cannot charge a cash patient less than Medicare would be billed.