488 private links
4 hours ago
Lefty women: We are every bit the equals of men, but if you treat us like men are treated you are sexist because we expect to be treated differently because we are women. We deserve special privileges like we are always right no matter what.
Shoot me for noticing. //
4 hours ago
I read an article, written by a woman, a few years ago who said she had spent an extended period of time observing men interacting with other men. She spent time in coffeeshops, sporting goods stores, hardware stores, and so on where a woman was not unusual, but the clientele was predominately male. Her conclusion was that if a man treated a woman exactly the same as he would a man in the same situation ( giving advice on a product, how to do a repair) he would be accused of mansplaining. In short, if you really want to anger some women just give her exactly what she asked for.