488 private links
7 hours ago
It's naive to assume the "news" media's intention is to inform. Their intention is to persuade you, entertain you, and profit from you. //
an hour ago
To paraphrase Mark Twain "If you don't [follow] the news, you're uninformed. If you [DO follow] the news, You're misinformed."
All of the Alphabet networks as well as the two leading newspapers in the United States; the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, are within walking distance of mid-town Manhattan and are totally dominated by leftists whose agendas have one thing in common; The Destruction of The Republican Party, and a secondary objective of the destruction of The Constitution of The United States of America. Their greatest fear is that another four-year term by Donald Trump will further increase the originalist make-up of The SCOTUS and the further diminution of The Administrative State, especially following a week in which the Leviathan took some pretty serious reductions in its power with the abolition of The Chevron Rule.
A truly originalist SCOTUS might well put an end to The Administrative State altogether since there is no provision whatsoever for the delegation of the power to legislate that is granted, EXCLUSIVELY, to Congress.