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21 days
Terry 6Silver badge
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One, additional, thing I pull out of that is that company's understanding of "training". It's not training until the point that the trainee has actually been observed ( and coached if required) to actually perform the task and deal with any issues- more than once.
Because 1) Theory is never the same as practice. 2) Even the best trainer will abbreviate, elide or just plain miss some steps, because they have at least some parts of the process ingrained and automated so they don't think about it. And 3) Even the best trainee will miss, misunderstand, forget or confuse some bits because we're only human, we have limited short term memory and concentration, and because that's what we do.. //
20 days
Jou (Mxyzptlk)Silver badge
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The training you complain about is what I call "bulimic learning". Binge in, purge out, forgotten. Most useless style, but that is what the world seems to want instead of knowledge and understanding of a subject.
I usually write a lot up, on paper, during important things to learn. Once it got through my head and out of my hand it stays better in my mind. Though that does not fit the usual "2 Minutes read" the teaching material says on top. //
Sherrie Ludwig
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It's not training until the point that the trainee has actually been observed ( and coached if required) to actually perform the task and deal with any issues- more than once.
I have always gone by the motto, "see one, do one, teach one", repeat until the "teach one" can be at least explained fully to a person unacquainted with the system as a whole. //
An_Old_DogSilver badge
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Re: The Reason So Many People Automatically Hate All Managers
a non-interfering incompetent one woud be refreshing.
There are three types of managers. In order of descending desirability they are:
Type I: Competent/Active
Type II: Incompetent/Inactive
Type III: Incompetent/Active //
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What about us Competent/Inactive managers?