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For the next 100 days, every conservative should focus on the Word-Salad Queen and her defense of Biden. The focus must be on her and her full-throated covering for Biden. She claimed that Biden was brilliant. She claimed he ran circles around staff and policy wonks. That was a pernicious lie. She knew that Biden was a cognitive mess. She admits that she met with Biden on an almost daily basis. She hid the undeniable, inescapable fact that Joe Biden was a shell of himself even four years ago. She hid his decline for political profit at the expense of the country. She lied. Repeatedly.
Next, conservatives must repeat her policy positions. Her policy positions are not moderate, they are a leftist’s wet dream. Harris is not a moderate. She never has been. She is Bernie Sanders in a pantsuit and not nearly as adept at presentation as Bernie.
And, finally, Kamala Harris is a deer in the headlights without a teleprompter. She will implode when she tries to defend Biden’s record and her own positions. Harris is sentient, but she is stunningly bad at public speaking. Her word salads are albatrosses around her shoulders. //
It’s been often stated that whoever is the focus this November, that person will lose. Biden's administration was a trainwreck. Let that be the talking point. //
7 hours ago edited
Offense all day. Take any interview and as soon as they ask their ridiculous question. Pivot and attack Kamala. Accuse her of the worst economy ever. The worst treatment of women ever. The worst treatment of muslims blacks and gays . The worst treatment of kids. Blame her directly for the stabbingdeath of nutiple girls. Dont worry about details/facts. Let them play defense and when they do ask them why. Every repub needs the memo. You dont go on shows to answer ridiculous premises only to attack. //
surfcat50 Billy Wallace
3 hours ago edited
Inflation was 1.4% in January 2021 when Joe Biden took office.
What’s hilarious is you just admitted you’re making it all up. If you can make all the inflation claims you have, shouldn’t you know all those numbers?
You want to do spending, moron? OK, let me point you to more facts.
From 1 January 2021 through 31 December 2023 the Biden cabal spent $19.23T. From 1 January 2017 through 31 December 2020, the Trump administration spent $19.09T. That means Biden spent more money in three years than Trump spent in FOUR YEARS!
By the way, the Biden administration started their spending binge in March 2021 with the American Rescue Act, following that in August 2021 with the Infrastructure Bill, and continuing with the Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022.
Here’s where I do what you never do; I provide a source reference. I’ve told you before that every time you try to lie about an objective fact, you prove you’re a lying moron. 🤡