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Christians are often labeled "intolerant" for their refusal to embrace destructive behaviors. I would argue that America could use more Christian intolerance and a lot less Western "acceptance." The reason we should is pretty easy to see at this point. //
It's time to start normalizing intolerance. Obviously with nuance and discernment, but intolerance should make a comeback nonetheless. //
frylock234 RSVP
16 hours ago
I've always said that tolerance is that I have to let you go your own way, even if I don't approve of it, but nowhere does tolerance mean that I have to support you in your ways or embrace them if I disagree. I only have to accept you have the right to go your own way, and you have to reciprocate or else there is no tolerance. //
My pastor during my growing up years once stated it this way:
"We dare not condone that which God seeks to redeem. It confuses the sinner." //
16 hours ago
Hear hear! Tolerance, discrimination, prejudice, these are words which have been weaponized.