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REPORTER: I noticed that when you urge people to action, you often include the word 'peacefully.'
PRESLER: Peacefully
REPORTER: Is that to avoid another Jan 6 type incident?
PRESLER: With all due respect, it's to avoid people like you guys saying that I'm anything but. My motto is to just be super cute, have my data and facts, treat everyone with love and respect, and as you can see, an army of people will follow.
The bias was displayed before the reporter even got the question out of her mouth. Notice that the chyron refers to Presler as a "controversial activist." I'm struggling to determine what is controversial about legally registering people to vote. Is it the reaching out to the Amish part? Or just the fact that it helped Trump win Pennsylvania, which no doubt, CNN finds very controversial? //
I remember when Stacey Abrams, who refused to concede her 2022 election loss to Brian Kemp, was pushing disinformation on voting machines. Her get-out-the-vote organization was also caught up in a scandal, eventually being shut down. Has CNN ever described her as "controversial" in her many appearances on the network? Of course, not.