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Lara Logan @laralogan
Imagine if your enemies fear you this much? Tells you everything. They just made Clarence Thomas a legend. This is pure desperation on their part. As if Thomas would be intimidated by these tactics. He’s way too smart & been around too long. John who? This guy is nothing.
johnny maga @_johnnymaga
State owned “comedian” John Oliver offered Clarence Thomas a luxury RV and $1M a year to resign from the Supreme Court
“Get the f*ck off the Supreme Court!”
They’re terrified that SCOTUS is going to foil their plans to bar Trump from the presidency
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7:37 PM · Feb 19, 2024 //
Carrie Severino @JCNSeverino
Justice Thomas to his critics in the media:
“I will absolutely leave the Court when I do my job as poorly as you do yours.” //
Thomas said one of his responses to the media back then when they talked about how he does his job was, “I will absolutely leave the Court when I do my job as poorly as you do yours." Now that's the perfect burn, and Thomas wryly added, "And that was meant as a compliment," as he laughed with a deep, delightful laugh.
"It really is good to be me," Thomas said, continuing to laugh as he just squashed the media nonsense. //
Clare Boothe Lucid
2 hours ago
While offering the bribe Oliver alluded Thomas saying the job was not worth the grief. As usual a lefty takes a conservative’s words out of context. Thomas once said, “The job is not worth doing for what they pay. It’s not worth doing for the grief,” he said. “But it is worth doing for the principle.”