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5 hours ago
That woman is emblematic of the various NGOs and green companies that grift off of the Federal teat provided by Democrats and the administrative state. Especially the administrative state. Why do you think that the outcry is so great about what DOGE is doing? Because the gravy train is being brought to a crashing end, and the various vultures who are just like Elizabeth Holmes are realizing that the good times have suddenly gone. Good riddance. Hopefully, a lot more Elizabeth Holmes clones will be joining her soon. //
4 hours ago edited
Well of course People Magazine folks were sympathetic to her (they are Lefties, it's what they do). She conned them just like she did to all the other gullible victims, and she probably sold them ocean-front property in Switzerland (the deed is "in the mail"). Not surprising that sawdust brain Biden fell for it. Max Planck: "Experiment is the only means of knowledge at our disposal. Everything else is poetry, imagination." When presented with something that seems too good to be true, it's time for "experiments" to prove it.