488 private links
Speaker Mike Johnson
BREAKING: ActBlue was accepting foreign gift cards until September.
This is ILLEGAL.
The @HouseAdmin Committee will continue this important investigation into ActBlue next Congress.
Our work here is just getting started.
Just the News
Breaking: ActBlue Bombshell: Dem fundraising platform tells Congress it didn't block foreign gift cards until fall https://justthenews.com/node/138532?utm_source=mux&utm_medium=social-media&utm_campaign=social-media-autopost
11:15 AM · Dec 11, 2024. //
6 hours ago
The Trump team and the RNC would behoove themselves to run ads that highlight these schemes and shenanigans--through Nov 2026, at least--to constantly remind reminsquishy voters how corrupt and evil the Democrat Party actually is. Call it propaganda propogandor truth, but plant the seeds now and END this political farce of a party.