488 private links
The “Yes on 4” campaign, which is responsible for promoting a proposed amendment that would effectively enshrine abortion through birth in the Sunshine State’s constitution and eliminate safeguards designed to protect women and children, featured information on its now-scrubbed “Resources” page that links to websites explaining how teens can obtain abortions without involving their parents, as mandated by Florida law.
An archived version of the page also warns girls and women away from life-saving pregnancy centers by claiming they are “fake clinics” that “may try to trick and shame you” and “use tactics to delay your decision-making until it’s too late to have an abortion.” //
The first link on the “Yes on 4” website takes users to Floridians for Reproductive Freedom’s (FRF) guidance, which boasts of connecting girls who “cannot involve a parent” with attorneys who can finagle a judicial bypass “without your parent’s involvement.”
Directly below FRF’s advice on how to skirt the state’s parental consent law, the pro-abortion group tells girls and women how they can obtain dangerous abortion drugs, which are responsible for a 500 percent increase in abortion-related emergency room, by mail.