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“On Friday, September 20, federal authorities executed search warrants at my residences. They took materials that came into my possession approximately 20 years ago and are unrelated to my work with the New York City Police Department,” the statement said. //
So what was Donlon doing 20 years ago? Working in counterterrorism for the FBI. //
Maximus Decimus Cassius
11 hours ago edited
One gets the sense that something rather significant is afoot. For now, we're left to wonder what exactly that might be.
If I may, the answer seems simple enough considering a possible Trump victory looming: Covering tracks, tying up loose ends, burying evidence and hiding proof of criminality. You know, typical FBI stuff. //
11 hours ago
I would love to think this means the feebs are doing their proper job.
I have absolutely no faith, nor evidence that is the case and - at best - I suspect this is another "op" which is supposed to make us all swoon over the "Great, Good Work" the feebs have done for us.
Defund, downsize and move them out of DC.