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Again, and you must note this objective fact, notwithstanding those old denominations that long ago started in the United States as egalitarian with male and female pastoral roles, every single denomination that has decided to abandon traditional male pastoral roles for men and women has ultimately moved from embracing just female pastors to also embracing gay ordination and gay marriage.
You can say that will never happen to you, but that is what they all said. Look at the PCUSA, ELCA, United Church of Christ, Episcopalians, and now the United Methodist Church. If your church thinks contemporary times mean updating the role of pastor to women, it won’t be long before those same contemporary times mean updating even more.
There is no greater example before you now than the United Methodist Church where the majority of congregants rejected gay ordination and marriage. But progressives promoted themselves within, taking over leadership roles, and ultimately, despite a majority against them, took over and forced a schism.