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It seems some people new to tape are confused over how to align a tape recorder. This is the abbreviated version.
If you want to record on a tape recorder (and I do not recommend doing that these days as you’re just generating more tapes that will need to be transferred later) the first thing to do is get the playback correct. //
Anyway, I think that quality digital recording will capture sounds closer to the original than analog magnetic tape. This has been true in most tests run since the early days of digital recording and why most of the classical engineers who are looking for accuracy and not colouration were early adopters of digital. If you wish to record on analog that’s wonderful, but consider that analog tape is being used as much as an effect or sound-colourant as it is a storage medium. Also, remember that your legacy of tapes will be much more costly to preserve and migrate than digital files, although they may withstand neglect better.