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We’re lucky turkeys would never do this to us—you don’t have to do it to them, either.
Art by @freebison
Readers added context
Turkeys are not vegetarians. Turkeys eat mice, lizards, frogs, and just about anything they can fit in their mouth. If turkeys were larger or had the technological means to farm and eat humans, their current diet reveals they likely would.
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6:00 PM · Nov 22, 2023
Dr. Tororu
Replying to @peta and @FREEBISON
This picture is fake .
Turkeys don’t celebrate Thanksgiving sitting around a table. They sit on a table resting on a platter.
7:57 PM · Nov 22, 2023 //
Do you ever post about how many birds are killed by wind turbines?
8:22 PM · Nov 23, 2023 //
an hour ago
The dirty little secret most vegans would like to ignore is that while there are a decent number of obligate carnivores in the world (felines being the most obvious that people know of), there are very, very few obligate herbivores. "Obligate" here means they subsist on a diet consisting solely of that type of food. Cats need exclusively meat, but most of the animals we tend to think of herbivores are not obligate. They can and will snack on animal protein if the opportunity presents ... it's just that it doesn't happen often and we seldom catch them at it. Birds like turkeys, chickens, etc., are more likely to be caught at it because they're fairly active hunters. Chickens are great at keeping insect pests out of your garden and they'll eat mice and other small animals they can catch. But your average cow is not above nibbling on the meat on a fresh kill if they come across it; they just don't possess the machinery or instincts to hunt effectively so you almost never see that happen.
If you want an obligate herbivore, try koalas for one of the few. They have to eat eucalyptus, and as a consequence, they are pretty slow and derpy as a survival mechanism.
anon-y65w frylock234
42 minutes ago
So, pandas with the bamboo may be with the koalas in the obligate herbivore category. Slow and derpy is a great description!