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The plan has three components:
1) The No One Is Above the Law constitutional amendment (lol) prohibiting criminal immunity for ex-presidents.
2) Supreme Court term limits that permit each president to appoint a justice every two years for an 18-year term.
3) Supreme Court Code of Conduct.
The first item is just a sop thrown to Biden's supporters to act as a soothing balm for their raging case of butthurt over being unable to put Trump in prison. //
As with the rest of this "reform," it is a monumentally unserious proposal. There is no national outcry to make this happen, and there aren't the votes in the House and Senate to pass it even if Chuck Schumer and Mike Johnson decide to take it seriously. //
29 minutes ago
I always say the same thing when anyone proposes a constitutional amendment: "Name the 38 states." //
an hour ago edited
Net worth of the top 10 richest people in Congress (meaning 525 people are not listed): 2,059,900,000.
That's right, just 10 people; over 2 BILLION Dollars.
Net worth of all 9 Supreme Court Justices: 64,000,000.
Yep 64 million dollars divided by 9 people. Chief Justice Roberts accounts for 40% of that total.
We are more in need of reform in Congress than the Supreme Court. //
mopani Corn Pop 2 minutes ago
This does not come from Joe Biden, this comes from the Democrat Deep-State, gaslighting popular opinion on the structure of the Federal Government by treating SCOTUS as an inferior court, as if SCOTUS is subject to Congress.
It may be an unserious proposal, but it is another chip at the foundations of our Constitutional Republic, and as such deserves to be dealt with seriously.
I want to see it debated and destroyed on the House floor. A serious debate on the Senate floor would help too. It needs sunlight and to be dealt a death-blow.
Congress must defend SCOTUS as a co-equal branch so that SCOTUS can continue to do likewise. Failure to do so will ultimately result in an Imperial Executive.
These type of attacks should not be dismissed as unserious. They need to be curb-stomped as the destructive attacks that they are. Failure to deal with them in a serious way will allow them to be used as attack fodder against Republican or conservative candidates who want to preserve our Constitutional Republic.