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Do you know what the thing is about principles, as opposed to politics? Principles are consistent. Principles, as opposed to politics, apply equally in all circumstances. That's why so few politicians, especially Democrats, have anything even remotely approaching principles; they are all about The Side.
As an example: If, say, a presidential candidate was virulently against requiring voters to show ID before casting a ballot, then they should be open to letting would-be voters enter a campaign rally without showing ID. Right?
Not if you're Kamala Harris. //
Now, let's go on record here: There's nothing wrong with making rally attendees show an ID to get in, especially when there is an RSVP list. That's a perfectly reasonable requirement, and in our modern world where one has to have a photo ID for almost every essential facet of life - ... //
This is especially true considering that there has already been an attempt on the life of a presidential candidate this year.
But it's the hypocrisy that galls. This is a woman who has been adamantly against voter ID requirements for years, and she makes up the most ridiculous reasons for her opposition. //
She is, as I have said and will keep saying, not only dishonest, but a hypocrite, and for those and many other reasons, she is utterly unqualified to be president.