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January 18, 2017 at 07:43 AM
Trump's New York years deserve a better look to discern the eventual President-in-the-making. //
One of the innumerable ironies about Trump is that the candidate embraced by "Middle America'' was long regarded as the quintessential New Yorker – loud, brash, a lover of the good life and seeker of the limelight. The idea he would emerge years later as the 45th president of the United States, would have seemed as unlikely as the star of "Bedtime for Bonzo'' ending up as 40th Chief Executive. Yet just as historians have since scoured Reagan's Hollywood years for clues to his metamorphosis as a successful politician and statesman – including his stints as president of the Screen Actors Guild – so also do Trump's New York years deserve a better look to discern the eventual President-in-the-making.