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One of the best parts of that clip is that people start heckling her during her big applause line. The crowd then starts groaning and booing, leaving her to pretend they are actually cheering for what she said. Everything about her is so contrived, and it just oozes from every word and mannerism.
Harris has a record. She has a record of comparing those who disagree with her to fascists and claiming they are an existential threat to democracy. She has a record of attempting to jail her political opponents. She has a record of trying to score political points at the expense of vulnerable Americans. She is not looking to "make progress." She's looking to continue the prior four years of failed policies. //
No one is buying this stuff, and it's simply too late to change the narrative. You can't go from comparing your opponents to the Third Reich on the Washington Mall earlier in the week to preaching unity a day later. All that does is make her look even more inauthentic and fake. //
an hour ago edited
"Harris Vows to Work With Nazis"
TurningTables -> TurningTables
an hour ago
Harris Pledges to Work with Garbage. //
SLOTown Hoosier
an hour ago
If that was a pivot, I call travelling. //
an hour ago edited
Former McDonalds fry cook and garbage collector becomes President of the United States. Trump may have just been trolling Biden/Harris but he also served as an example of the American Dream. With imagination, a positive attitude and hard work anything is possible. //
an hour ago edited
Democrats: We have to unify! We have to lower the temperature!
Also Democrats: Except for those 90 million Trump supporters , their familes, and anyone aho has any connection to them. Then you can go all Maxine Waters on them.
Media / democrats: Trump voters are fascist garbage, and Trump is a totalitarian Nazi dictator who is Literally Hitler® and will kill women who have abortions, lock up anyone who supports it, deport every Latino in America, and is going to send the media to concentrationc camps based on his enemies list. He is an immediate threat to democracy and all we hold dear if he is elected. He will start WW3 and get a billion people killed. He must be stopped!
Trump: I love America and its people. There is no reason for these problems were have, and I intend to right this ship back to prosperity for everyone like we had before. The working men and women of America have been the backbone of the nation and give us everything we use, and I intend to give them a place at the table again. The elite ruling class has shut them out and mocked and impugned them for wanting back in. You can't lead America if you don't love all the American people. Let's make America great again for everyone.
Media / Democrats: Trump needs to tone down the hateful rhetoric and stop sending code words and dog whistles to his radical followers before someone gets hurt or worse.