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Oversight Project @OversightPR
🚨BREAKING: Non-Citizens in AZ Admit Being Registered to VOTE🚨
Footage obtained by @realmuckraker shows that at one apartment complex in Phoenix, AZ, 6 non-citizens admitted to being registered to vote.
Non-citizens expressed support for Kamala Harris, and some plan to vote. Show more
6:56 AM · Sep 26, 2024 //
The non-citizens interviewed claimed that they were registered to vote at grocery stores, and others said that door knockers visited their apartment complex, soliciting their registration.
After that initial sweep, The Oversight Project attempted to follow up to locate these individuals on the voter rolls. However, they could not be found. //
From the California playbook, where this type of election fraud is rampant, it is not uncommon to use legitimate addresses, with different names and identities, to pad the voter rolls. Arizona seems to be replicating this successful overwhelm to weight the scales for 2024. //
Oversight Project @OversightPR
Replying to @OversightPR
What is clear is that the leftist defense of an "honor system" for voter registration has left open massive vulnerabilities for foreign participation in American elections.
The extent to which those vulnerabilities will be exploited may determine the 2024 election.
6:56 AM · Sep 26, 2024 //
Mike Howell, executive director of the Oversight Project at The Heritage Foundation, said,
It is obvious to me and other reasonable Americans that the left has decided that the only way they can maintain power is through illegal votes. If they have any interest in legitimacy, they need to immediately abandon this anti-American strategy.
This is a feature and not a bug, so don't count on the Left pulling back or changing their tactics. Dependent upon what happens on November 5, 2024, at the rate this is going, we may never see another "free and fair" election in our lifetimes.