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But there is yet another dose of hypocrisy at play, from the very news outlets bleating about Trump’s alleged offensive use of the cemetery images. Look back over the past weeks of this outrage coverage, and you notice something curious: Nearly every report mewling about the disrespect these photos deliver includes those very images. Somehow, it is offensive for him to use the pics, but not the outlets displaying them.
And it gets worse. Many of these photos sport attribution from the news syndicates, meaning the pictures have been licensed – not only are the outlets receiving paid traffic while wailing about the dishonor, but the syndicates, like Getty Images, are charging for the use of their photos from Arlington.
If Trump using these photos is disrespecting the memory of the fallen, what is to be said of news providers who turn a profit from those same types of pictures? //
7 hours ago
There are three big problems with the NPR Arlington National Cemetery story.
First: It is a story that had no named witnesses or named people that were harmed. In every reported story about ANC there is an un-named person that is reporting it and another un-named person that was pushed out of the way by the Trump campaign people. It is basic journalism. When a news story has the: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How, verified evidence, documentation or a named source to can be relied on to be a factual news story. When left wing news sources, like NPR is missing any of these important items it can be deduced that it is a fake story or a hoax.
Second: ALL seven gold-star families and all other people that were there the entire time stated that they had permission to take pictures and video. The Trump people did the same and were also given permission for both. Also, there was nobody from the cemetery that objected to them being there, so the story is a hoax.
Third: The Trump people stated that have video of the entire event. From the time that people got out of their cars to when they left the cemetery. When the people in charge of ANC heard this they abruptly dropped any and all charges, none were ever listed. It was a hoax story.