488 private links
2 hours ago
Original Star Wars fans are not getting it. The WHOLE POINT of "The Acolyte" was to destroy the original fan base' interest and memory-hole the original stories. The people producing this garbage never liked Star Wars in the first place, they want to replace it with something the original fan base will ignore. It is is simply impossible for me to believe that these people thought original fans would like "The Acolyte" at all. They know Disney will never give up making content with the IP, no matter how terrible it is.
To add insult to injury they did interviews where they giggled like immature middle school girls at the "rumors" about the problems with the show, which they admitted to not being problems in their eyes. If Disney doesn't get it by now, they never will.
anon-8i11 anon-m0b0
an hour ago
The wokies are actively trying to destroy franchises that appeal to boys and young men - Star Wars, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, the MCU, etc. Why? To feminize the culture. Get rid of science fiction and superheroes that promote masculinity and appeal to the masculine half of the movie-going public.
BTW, film critic and former studio executive Paul Chato referred to that series as "The Ejacolyte."