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IBM's SAA and CUA brought harmony to software design… until everyone forgot //
In the early days of microcomputers, everyone just invented their own user interfaces, until an Apple-influenced IBM standard brought about harmony. Then, sadly, the world forgot.
In 1981, the IBM PC arrived and legitimized microcomputers as business tools, not just home playthings. The PC largely created the industry that the Reg reports upon today, and a vast and chaotic market for all kinds of software running on a vast range of compatible computers. Just three years later, Apple launched the Macintosh and made graphical user interfaces mainstream. IBM responded with an obscure and sometimes derided initiative called Systems Application Architecture, and while that went largely ignored, one part of it became hugely influential over how software looked and worked for decades to come.
One bit of IBM's vast standard described how software user interfaces should look and work – and largely by accident, that particular part caught on and took off. It didn't just guide the design of OS/2; it also influenced Windows, and DOS and DOS apps, and of pretty much all software that followed. //
The problem is that developers who grew up with these pre-standardization tools, combined with various keyboardless fondleslabs where such things don't exist, don't know what CUA means. If someone's not even aware there is a standard, then the tools they build won't follow it. As the trajectories of KDE and GNOME show, even projects that started out compliant can drift in other directions.
This doesn't just matter for grumpy old hacks. It also disenfranchizes millions of disabled computer users, especially blind and visually-impaired people. You can't use a pointing device if you can't see a mouse pointer, but Windows can be navigated 100 per cent keyboard-only if you know the keystrokes – and all blind users do. Thanks to the FOSS NVDA tool, there's now a first-class screen reader for Windows that's free of charge.
Most of the same keystrokes work in Xfce, MATE and Cinnamon, for instance. Where some are missing, such as the Super key not opening the Start menu, they're easily added. This also applies to environments such as LXDE, LXQt and so on. //
Menus bars, dialog box layouts, and standard keystrokes to operate software are not just some clunky old 1990s design to be casually thrown away. They were the result of millions of dollars and years of R&D into human-computer interfaces, a large-scale effort to get different types of computers and operating systems talking to one another and working smoothly together. It worked, and it brought harmony in place of the chaos of the 1970s and 1980s and the early days of personal computers. It was also a vast step forward in accessibility and inclusivity, opening computers up to millions more people.
Just letting it fade away due to ignorance and the odd traditions of one tiny subculture among computer users is one of the biggest mistakes in the history of computing.