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Unfortunately for those in the streets, there are times when the hard won lessons of the past have to be relearned at great cost…and if not learned the price may well be your very soul. //
The original essay framed a two state solution upending the current paradigm that would have Israel trading land for peace as it has done so many times without securing peace. The solution would require the Arab nations and Turkey to trade land for peace…while creating a new nation.
“The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews.
Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it, Poland and Czechoslovakia did it. Turkey drove out a million Greeks and Algeria a million Frenchman. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese—and no one says a word about refugees.
But in the case of Israel, the displaced Arabs have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back every single Arab. Arnold Toynbee calls the displacement of the Arabs an atrocity greater than any committed by the Nazis.
Other nations when victorious on the battlefield dictate peace terms. But when Israel is victorious, it must sue for peace. Everyone expects the Jews to be the only real Christians in this world.” Eric Hoffer
(Note: The late British historian Arnold Toynbee condemned Zionism vociferously but he eventually had to acknowledge his hostility was “disproportionate” and misplaced i.e. he ascribed to Zionism his contempt for Western colonialism. Toynbee was a Chatham House apologist ahead of his time) //
There are Middle East “experts” who believe Israel, Iran, Turkey and Egypt are vying to be the regional hegemon when in truth Israel simply wants to live in peace and Iran is in such a precarious position it cannot influence the emerging reality on the ground. On the other hand, after leaving tens of billions in equipment to the Taliban and strengthening Iran at every opportunity the Biden administration has continued the Obama policy of arming the enemies of Israel with the State Department informing Congress on December 20th 2024 it had approved the sale of $4.69 billion in equipment including 555 US-made M1A1 Abrams tanks and $630 million for 2,183 Hellfire air-to-surface missiles along with $30 million in precision-guided munitions to Egypt.
Egypt has no neighbors to defend against that would require 555 US-made M1A1 Abrams tanks and $630 million for 2,183 Hellfire air-to-surface missiles along with $30 million in precision-guided munitions…except Israel. The axis developing is that of a north, Turkey, and south, Egypt, alliance against Israel and controlling Syria would put Turkey on Israel’s border. Open your eyes; Egypt is remilitarizing the Sinai; building numerous highway tunnels under the Suez that open to numerous highways to nowhere in the Sinai while quadrupling its arms storage facilities along the canal i.e. preparing for war against Israel in violation of the Israel/Egypt peace treaty. .
Not only has Egypt militarized the Sinai and violate international law by not accepting Palestinian refugees from Gaza into the Sinai as a signatory to the African Union Convention on Refugees it has now been proven the Rafah border was laced with tunnels allowing for Hamas to be armed. Egypt is not an ally of the west. //
Trump would be well advised to 1) remove the 60 or so B-60 nuclear gravity bombs from Incirlik, Turkey, before withdrawing given Erdogan has hinted the bombs belong to Turkey under adverse possession, then 2) stop the sale of military equipment to Egypt, and finally, 3)insist upon a NATO blackout of Turkey. The truth is Turkey is not an ally of the west and hasn’t been for decades; Turkey is an Islamic enemy that should be treated as such…with suspicion and utmost caution.
Defusing the situation will require a strong dose of fear God…the beginning of wisdom.
Well-known academic and go-to source for U.S. intelligence and military agencies, Professor John Esposito of Georgetown University, insists that nothing bad was happening during the "five centuries of peaceful coexistence" between Muslims and Christians prior to the First Crusade, which was launched by cynical and evil Europeans, forever turning Islam against the West.
Is that true? My answer follows:
Mosque Reportedly Attended by Bourbon Street Terrorist Puts Out Very Concerning Statement – RedState
Bree A Dail @breeadail
CONFIRMED posting by the mosque reportedly attended by the NOLA terrorist, instructing members to refer all inquiries by @FBI, law enforcement and media to legal representation of CAIR.
9:37 PM · Jan 1, 2025
Several things strike me about this. For one, when over a dozen people die in an Islamic terrorist attack, I'm not sure "the safety of our community" should be the most important thing in that equation. No one has attacked this mosque (or any mosque in the United States, for that matter), nor is there any reason to believe anyone will do so. The attacker who attended it did carry out an attack, though. So why the immediate inward focus?
The entire message reads like an order of protection for anyone who may have radicalized or assisted Jabbar in some way. The push to contact CAIR is a dead giveaway. For those unaware, the Council on American-Islamic Relations is an unindicted co-conspirator and supporter of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. It is a radical group that has long sought to protect Islamism at the cost of American lives. If CAIR is involved, you can bet there's probably something going on under the surface. //
Let's be honest. If this were a Christian church putting out such a statement after one of its members committed a mass casualty terrorist attack, every legacy media outlet in the country would be digging deeper. That won't happen here because the press takes a subservient approach to Islam due to its place on the intersectional hierarchy. Still, I hope there are some good reporters out there willing to poke around. //
an hour ago
What the statement of the Mosque didn't say:
- Condolences to the families of the individuals who were killed in the incident and we pray for the speedy and complete recovery of those who were injured.
- We do not condone violence against innocent people and condemn such actions entirely.
- We will assist authorities in finding how such evil consumed one of our flock.
Unfortunately, what they didn't say speaks volumes. //
Model 12
an hour ago
As a former friend of mine once said to me, "I have a duty to lie to you, to steal from you, and to cheat you" Just part of the job of being Moslem.
Chuck Rambo
5 hours ago
What is this "radicalization" that you speak of? Because unless there are other "religions" that have that as a feature then it is unique to islam. Are there radical Lutherans? Catholics? Methodists? Buddhists? No? Never heard of those? No one has. And there is no such thing as radical islam. There is no special, secret text from their so-called prophet that is labeled Double Secret Radical islam.
There is only islam. And all of these acts of barbarism are integral with it. You people need to deal with reality.
frylock234 Chuck Rambo
5 hours ago
There are radical Christians, but the difference between Christianity and Islam is that radical Christians don't tend to go murderous in their zealotry. There is a secular YouTuber - Sargon of Akkad - who analyzed the two religions from an outside, non-religious perspective and said it best: Christianity is internally focused leading to attempts at self-improvement when followed logically and correctly. Islam is externally focused leading to attempts to force improvement on all around you when followed logically and correctly.
While we Christians will run around trying, sometimes very hard, to persuade you that you ought to care about the state of your soul, the state of your soul is not going to affect the state of ours. Whether or not we are ultimately saved is a personal thing between us and God; you don't factor in. For Muslims, salvation is about you and them and everyone else - All the world must be for Allah and part of the struggle is to fight toward making it so. That leads to radicalizing like we see where zealots will either convert you or kill you toward those ends.
Chuck Rambo frylock234
5 hours ago
I see it differently.
There are orthodox Christians and secular "Christians." This is the same with Judaism. You could also call them practicing and non-practicing. Or serious and unserious. Makes no difference. But they aren't murderous to those who believe differently.
islam is rather unique in that way in that they see the world as muslim or infidel. Infidels have but three options: conversion to islam, enslavement or death. muslims seem pretty keen on dishing out death as perhaps the other two options are more labor intensive and don't involve martyrdom and eternity with virgins. //
frylock234 Chuck Rambo
4 hours ago
Again, it's internally focused v. externally focused. If you are focused on your own internal state, and most of the tenets of Christianity (and Judaism as they have the same roots) are about how you personally make yourself a better person, then you are less likely to start acting murderous toward those around you who aren't likewise following your same faith.
But when your faith's tenets are less about how you personally must be and how the world around you must be ordered to satisfy the requirements of your faith, then you are going to be under pressure to force all around you to conform for the sake of your soul as much as their own. That can lead to murderous zealotry because everyone has to either conform to your needed moral/religious order or you have to remove them in order to create the spiritually ordered world necessary.
anon-5jj3 frylock234
5 hours ago
That’s how you know islam is not an abrahamic faith nor is Allah the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Temujin anon-5jj3
4 hours ago
Muhammad took the Hebrew story of Isaac and Ishmael, and turned it upside down, making Ishmael what the Bible says of Isaac. That's why the Jews of Arabia laughed at the illiterate clown Muhammed. And that's why Muslims have hated Jews for centuries.
Then Muhammad claimed that Ishmael was ancestor of the Arabs, for which there is no evidence at all. Islam is an enormous fraud. But so is socialism, which is why the Left defends Islam. //
Billy Wallace frylock234
5 hours ago edited
Well Robert Bowers and Dylann Roof are two examples of Christians who committed pretty serious acts of terrorism
there are currently 1.57 Billion Muslims in the world, and over 3.45 million just in the United States. One of four people on the earth are Muslims and 99.999999999% of the world's Muslims do not commit acts of terrorism
just like 99.9999999999% of NRA members don't go around shooting people, shall we also ban the NRA and guns?
we need to be really careful with scapegoating entire groups of people because of the Acts of a few idiots...
Chuck Rambo Billy Wallace
5 hours ago edited
Nice try. I don't recall ever hearing that they claimed to do it for Christianity. And were they actually Christians? Judas followed Christ but didn't seem to pass the test in the end. Also, there were almost certainly denunciations from every corner of Christendom. All you ever hear from the islamic communities is crickets when when these atrocities occur.
I'm guessing you have or have had one of those "coexist" bumper stickers on your car. Pretty hard to coexist with a group that deals in death to unbelievers.
There is no Palestinian language. There is no distinct Palestinian ethnicity. The term didn't exist before the Roman Empire invented it to tweak rebellious Jews, leveraging the traditional Jewish foes, the Philistines. And yet the international community, especially the left, keeps joining the "Palestinian" activists in calling for a Palestinian homeland, to be carved out of the tiny state of Israel. Most of the Arab-Muslim nations in that part of the world don't recognize Israel, calling it by the Roman name "Palestine," even though before the Romans changed the name, it was called "Judea" — the homeland of the Jews, an appellation that goes back for thousands of years.
To the east of Judea/Palestine/Israel, there are a people who, unlike Palestinians, are ethnically distinct, linguistically distinct, a people who have been recognized as such for thousands of years — Kurdish warriors may have been among the forces that harried the Greek Xenophon during the March of the Ten Thousand in 401 BC, as documented in the Anabasis. The Kurds are like the Palestinians in one primary way: They do not have a homeland. There is no internationally recognized nation of Kurdistan.
So why does the left continually call for a homeland for the Palestinians and not for the Kurds? //
There is, sadly, little chance of the Kurds achieving a nation of their own. There will not be a Kurdistan. The best these people can hope for is a lessening of Turkish hostility and some increased autonomy for Kurdish people in Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq. This is a legacy of the Great War, the treaties that carved up the Ottoman Empire, and the rather arbitrary creation of borders by the victorious Allies. Fortunes of war and all that.
But the hypocrisy remains, and it is galling. It's also revealing. The American left, in particular, loves to shout about the need for a Palestinian homeland. Never mind that what passes for Palestinian leadership has turned down offers for a two-state solution many times. The American left, meanwhile, ignores the Kurds, who, again, unlike the Palestinians, are ethnically and linguistically distinct, and have been for thousands of years.
Why? I can only think of one reason. The Kurds, to achieve independence, would have to have territory carved out from majority-Muslim nations: Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq. The Palestinians want Israel. All of it. From the river to the sea. Kurdish independence would result in a Kurdish nation. Palestinian independence would result in the destruction (or, at least, the attempted destruction) of Israel.
Once you realize that, the left's hypocrisy starts to make sense. //
Dieter Schultz Jim Stewart
8 hours ago
From what I've read, the Israelis see the Kurds as a stabilizing and blocking force between the Israelis and the Iranians. The Israelis are already working behind the scenes to help establish the Kurds as a blocking force... I expect the Kurds to get something out of the dissolution of Syria. //
9 hours ago
The Kurds are a real nation. The "Palestinians" are a myth. Those Arabs have a home--in Arabia. They should be deported there. //
7 hours ago
Please stop referring to the residents of Gaza as “Palestinians”,
They are not Palestinians. The are Sunni Muslims.
In the cast social system of Islam, they are considered to be no better than dogs by the Arab states and Iran, a Persian state.
Rush Limbaugh. RIP, informed his audience long ago the coining the residents of Gaza as Palestinians was a ploy by Yassar Arafat to elicit the emotions of the brain dead in the Western World: liberals.
Please refer to them in the proper ethnic context.
It's Not One World: Iraqi Lawmakers Trying to Legalize Marriage of Girls As Young As Nine – RedState
What is wrong with these people? What is wrong with this culture, that it sees this as acceptable?
This is not a mere "cultural" difference. This isn't something that may be considered wrong in one society and not in another. This is wrong in essence; it is wrong no matter where, when, or to whom it happens. And the sad part is that the current law isn't nearly as, well, savage. //
Batta's story, should serve as a cautionary tale, as we have been importing thousands upon thousands of people from this part of the world, for who knows what reason, for years now. They are setting enclaves in places like Dearborn, Michigan, and Minneapolis, Minnesota - and some among them might agree with these Iraqi lawmakers and clerics.
It can happen here, and if you think some of these people might not try it, well, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
Germany: The Christmas markets are besieged by Syrian Islamists. They are demonstrating where Christianity is celebrated. Random choice of location or deliberate demonstration of power?
The latter. There is nothing random about this. The Christmas markets are seen by the Syrians as an overt celebration of a Christian tradition - which it is - and therefore cannot be tolerated, and must be interfered with or broken up if possible. These are not tolerant people, these are not people who are accepting of dissenting views, especially where religion is concerned; they are viciously intolerant and unforgiving, and it's important to note that they were imported to Germany from lands with Bronze-Age sensibilities. As long as they are allowed to remain in Europe, these things will only get worse - not better. //
Most of the nations of Western Europe are committing suicide on the installment plan. All we can do is watch - and hopefully learn from Europe's mistakes.
In Afghanistan, tribalism is at a virtually unparalleled level. Westerners have no idea how deeply disturbing that tribalism can be. //
The following is an excerpt from If It Takes a Thousand Years: From Al-Qaeda to Hamas, How the Jihadists Think & How to Defeat Them. //
When analyzing our Islamic extremist enemies, it is important for the American people to understand the tribal mindset that so many of our enemies come from. Islam developed from tribal cultures, and many tribal cultures over the past 1,400 years developed under Islam. The Islamic world itself is divided into what I would describe as tribes; you have the Sunni tribe, the Shia tribe, and within that are thousands of other tribes, one of the most recent being the “Palestinian” tribe which has become somewhat of a self-appointed identity by various lost members of other tribes. But in Afghanistan, tribalism is at a level that is virtually unparalleled in the world. //
Most people there got it. But back in Washington, and among so many in the higher ranks in the military trying to please those in Washington, there was a complete disconnect from the reality on the ground, and a complete misunderstanding of just who our enemy is, how they think, and how ferociously determined they are.
In an attempt to claw back some of her lost support, Harris recently appeared with Kareem Rahma, a Muslim influencer. During the interview, which was so bad it went unpublished, the vice president made two major mistakes.
The first was a refusal to discuss the war between Israel and Hamas. Surprising no one, Rahma is extremely anti-Israel and was looking for Harris to throw him a bone on the issue. For her to show up and think she could get away with not talking about it is unfathomable for a presidential campaign. It does show the sense of entitlement Harris continually operates with, though.
That wasn't the worst of it, though. Instead of talking about the conflict in the Middle East, Kamala Harris decided to pivot to trying to convince Rahma that "bacon is a spice," noting that it's "pure flavor" when she received pushback.
Yes, she tried to discuss the finer points of how great bacon is with a Muslim. You can't make this stuff up. //
She's a cyborg. I'm convinced of it at this point. Harris was pieced together by scientists using bolts and duct tape. If she wasn't, she'd have been able to have a normal discussion like a human being about something not deeply offensive to the person interviewing her. Recall that this is the same person whose office had to hold a mock cocktail dinner to prep her on how to drink wine and talk to world leaders.
This is what happens when you have an empty suit running for president. Because Harris has never had an original thought in her life, everything is scripted and force-fed to her. That means when the teleprompter goes out, either literally or figurately, she has nowhere to go. That's how you end up with her riffing on bacon while talking to a Muslim. It's laughable. //
HadEnoughYet? 22 minutes ago
The female version of Ron Burgundy.
Dustin Grage
🚨 WATCH: Minnesota Somali leaders endorse President Trump:
“Our conditions are horrible, we can’t afford anything. As working class and middle class people. Now please understand this, we love our brothers and sisters who are Democrats, but you left us.”
1:07 PM · Nov 2, 2024. //
Most importantly, the left left us. 33 percent of our kids cannot read - cannot read at grade level. Minnesota in education? We are failing in every standard. 8th graders - 60 percent cannot do math at grade level. These are our kids. We are talking about economic conditions here. Our conditions is (sic) horrible. We can’t afford anything. As working-class and middle-class people. Now please understand this, we love our brothers and sisters who are Democrats, but you left us. And because the left left us, join the right, and vote for Trump, 2024.
This is a conflict of good vs. evil. There is simply no other way to describe it.
Fawzia Amin Sido, an innocent girl, was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery. That's an act of such depraved barbarity as to be hard to imagine among civilized people, and yet, that's what happened. She was rescued by troops from Israel - the same Israel that clueless useful idiots on American college campuses accuse of "genocide." Israel was acting on information provided by the United States - the same United States that the mullahs running the theocracy in Iran accuse of imperialism. The United States was given that information by unnamed officials in Iraq, which is unfortunately at the crossroads of the entire Middle East (and thus all its conflicts).
Civilized people don't take children as captives and sell them into slavery. Good people don't do these things. Uncivilized, evil people do these things. Savages, barbarians, and the utterly inhuman do these things.
And they would do them here, in the United States, given the opportunity.
Those are the stakes. Fawzia Amin Sido's case serves as a horrible reminder. Her captivity is over, but she will bear the scars, emotional and physical, as long as she lives. She is back with her family, but the memory of her captivity will no doubt always haunt her. But if civilization does not prevail, her suffering, and the suffering of untold thousands like her, will have been for nothing. //
Claudius54 Indylawyer
16 hours ago edited
You really don't need to 'expect' ... 300K missing children in U.S. is a documented known fact due to Harris/Biden (illegal) immigration policy. Waltz tried to paint this as 'compassion' the other night. You really don't need to turn your eyes a half world away to witness barbarity. Most likely it's occurring right next to you. Truth be told the cartels probably make Hamas look like pikers. The difference is that IDF is resolving crap like this is Gaza ... while juvenile immigrant chattels in the U.S. are depending on Alejandro Mayorkas. I'm old enough to remember when they started putting missing kid's faces on milk cartons. Now all the talking heads can manage to do is change the subject or obfuscate the definition of "legal status".
MORGAN: Well, there is, but I don't think that all of these protesters are pro-Hamas. I think you're making...
MURRAY: Right, and the difference is whether you have a large artillery behind you.
MORGAN: You don't honestly think they're all pro-Hamas, these people.
MURRAY: Well, well, I think that anyone who for instance chants things like From the River to the Sea is, in fact, what I described and is criminally ignorant. Oh, well they are, there were masses of idiots marching past Westminster Abbey last week saying exactly that.
MORGAN: Yeah, but they're not all doing it (crosstalk) I've watched the videos. There are some who are chanting and some who aren't.
MURRAY: Okay, well here's a challenge, Piers. If you decided to go on some kind of march and in week one you discovered that you had the BMP calling, for instance, for the murder of all black people, would you not wonder whether or not you should go on week two? Would you not drop out by week three? I would have thought so, I would.
MORGAN: That's a good question...yes, I would. //
There's a lot said in the exchange, but Murray's primary push was to point out that Hamas and its supporters are not just oppressed individuals who can be reasoned with. They aren't a population you can import and assimilate with the hope that they'll respect and become a viable part of Western civilization. Hamas and those chanting "from the river to the sea" are sustained by death and destruction. It is their very identity, and we are seeing that play out in Western cities across the globe.
As Murray explains, even the Nazis attempted to hide their atrocities. Hamas sympathizers are proud of theirs and proclaim them publicly. Because of that, they should be seen as at least as barbaric as Hitler's movement was. In fact, it's reasonable to say that Hamas is simply a modern extension of Nazism. Instead of reacting accordingly, police forces from London to New York City are standing idly by as the violence escalates. Why? Because those perpetrating it are intersectional and thus untouchable.
How does that end? How does Western civilization survive when hundreds of thousands of people are marching through the streets calling for genocide while the authorities only enforce the law against those who would stand against them?
The West is paralyzed by fear. //
The waters are being tested right now.
There are things we take for granted until, one day, we are made to realize how unique they are. For atheist and historian Tom Holland, a trip to the war-torn Iraqui town of Sinjar gave him a different perspective on one of the most commonly accepted symbols of our culture: the Christian cross. //
If we take a deeper look at the fundamentals like Holland did, there can be no comparison. Holland was working on a book about the impact of Christianity on history when he was invited to visit Sinjar, a town that had been held captive by the Islamic State for two years. When he arrived with the film team, they encountered destruction beyond belief.
a day ago
There is something else going on here that you would think the American Left would be all over--namely, what Israel is learning about life inside Gaza, which reminds so many Jews of what the Americans found when they entered the death camps at the end of World War 2. While Israel is not engaging in genocide, Hamas is engaging in a sort of its own, not seen since Bosnia in the 90s. Namely, Hamas is using this war to kill not only its own people who it views as collaborator with israel, but, increasingly, its war on girls. Hamas needs boys for fighting, but girls are basically useless. It appears that Hamas is intentionally murdering thousands of girls--deaths that they then blame on Israel. Hamas hates women and doesn't want them, except the few they need for sex slaves. This gives us insight why the American Left loves Hamas so much--between abortion and the trans thing and girls sports, the American Left hates girls as much as Hamas does. It's the only way to explain why the Left supports Hamas--because the Left and Hamas believe in the same thing and Biden is their standard bearer. Report that, I dare them. //
anon-89ic anon-8w73
a day ago
I've been needing some light reading this spring, so I've been re-reading old Agatha Christie and Ellis Peters mysteries for the first time in probably 40 years and I noticed something about these books, written by similar English women. At the end of each book, not only is the murderer dealt with, but also order is fully restored which means all the women are securely locked down in the control of strong men. Feminism was supposed to erode this restriction on women running wild, but modern Democrat women seem to be yearning for that order, and if American men won't give it to them, the Imams will. Weird, huh? //
A review of recent scholarship on the shaping of the modern Middle East in the aftermath of the Holocaust, and how Islamist hate has roots in Nazi antisemitism.